It's another Monday in Berlin. I'm going to give you a brief glimpse into what my day consists of, so that you understand why some of these posts will probably be pretty boring to you. I get up at 6:10a, and leave for the train at 7. After my walk to train one, three train rides, and a bus ride - I get into my office and going about 8:30. I then stay at work until I catch the 5:40 bus, to start the same train situation back to the apartment. So, sometimes, there just won't be much fun for Flat Tony on weekdays. This Thursday, though, is German Unity Day (the celebration of when East and West Germany again became one) - so there could be some mid-week photos.
My only random thought and Flat Tony moment for today is this. (And if you notice - the covering his ears motion is because he's saying - "is she really going to ask this?") I know that red wine should go with red meat. But, is liverwurst on crackers considered "red meat"? Especially when you're eating it with Ramen noodles? I think liverwurst is sort of like hot're not really sure what you're getting!
Even though that really is my dinner - I hope I gave you all a chuckle.
Good-night and God bless,
from Berlin